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Hannelie Coetzee’s Tribute to Women

Hannelie Coetzee - Working on Fire female firefighter portrait series Mixed media 2015

Coetzee has done Nirox Sculpture park arts residencies outside Johannesburg in 2012 – 2017annually.In 2015 and 2017she burnt a 5Ha artwork into the grassland with Wits scientist, Sally Archibald who needed a Highveld Savannas burn site.The scientific research tests whether small management fires can create more diverse, more productive grassland communities by altering how antelope use the landscape. The invited audience who witnessed the controlled burn spontaneously applauded fire fighters from the ‘Cradle of Humankind Team’ doing a ‘performance’. South Africa has the highest percentage recruitment of female fire fighters and a number of these female firefighters’ portraits are depicted in the work. A film of the #firegrazer project called ‘Eland and Benko’ is on Youtube at:


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